Blogging with Purpose


Companies often struggle with coming up with relevant blog topics, or they blog without a purpose which means that the effort goes down a “black hole”. FunnelBud’s Blogging with Purpose mitigates all that.

You will save time and effort coming up with potential blog topics while still writing high-quality content that will produce long-term results, such as increased website traffic and more leads.

Solution Expert: Lynx Jonsson

SKU: 2205161514 Categories: , Technologies: Sharpspring, FunnelBud Flex
What this solution gives you:

Blogging with Purpose will give you the structure for 10 blog posts. FunnelBud will provide a headline, subtitles and what keywords to focus on for each post and your team will fill the sections with content and write the actual blog post.

All blog posts will be based on keywords that you as a company have a good chance of ranking for in the long term and is, therefore, part of a beginning SEO strategy.

Furthermore, FunnelBud will ensure that the final blog post is optimized and provide the copy for 1-3 social media posts per blog that can be used to promote them.


Example of blog post structure from FunnelBud’s own blog project:



What we deliver:

  1. 10 docs, where each doc explains which keyword to target, the title of a proposed blog article, subtitles, and small help texts where necessary where we explain what to write about.
  2. You then use the doc to write your blog post.
  3. FunnelBud will then help you set up measurement campaigns, add relevant CTAs (if it exists), and if you’re using FunnelBud Pro we’ll set up a report that shows you how many visitors you’ve gottenfrom it. We’ll also create 1-3 social posts blurbs per published article (optional), and may do some small changes to the finished blog post (SEO and internal linking etc.) to better optimize it.

How we deliver it:

  1. Together with you, we’ll brainstorm keywords to target which FunnelBud then will research.
  2. Once the first research is done, we’ll discuss our findings with you and brainstorm topics that would be relevant. These two steps will be repeated up to 3 times until we’ve honed in on the relevant keywords and topics.
  3. FunnelBud will prepare the docs and send them to you with instructions and tips on how to best write a blog post.
  4. Once the content is written, we’ll help you set up reports and optimize the posts before they are published.
Cost to implement:

Price: 9958 SEK (excl VAT)

Lynx Jonsson

About the Author

Project manager and responsible for FunnelBud Go. I love all things inbound marketing and to get our clients to use FunnelBud Go to the fullest.


We are very impressed by how much FunnelBud's software provides, and the amount of expertise we get by them. We can feel peace of mind and focus on our business growth.

Anders Börde Founder, Head of Product & Strategy, Moblrn


By using FunnelBud's professional, well-structured and helpful support, we were able to implement SharpSpring quickly and easily. In just 3 months, we have already doubled our leads. We are very pleased.

Eva Norras Rehn Marketing & Communications, Qurant


FunnelBud's system does everything we need for a third of the price of competitors. And with help that is both included and has exceeded our expectations. A no-brainer.

Ulf Lesley Group Chief Strategic Officer, Strikersoft