What this solution gives you:
This is a simple solution for generating more leads from old webinars. This solution is preferred over more advanced ones (like for example the Advanced webinar flow: Each webinar has its own page and flow) when you want a simple, straightforward solution that is easy to implement, you don’t get a lot of webinar watch submissions, and it’s OK to have a generic nurturing sequence for all of them instead of webinar-specific nurturing flows.
Level: Introductory
Difficulty: Easy
Someone to create a webinars collection page and a webinars watch page in your CMS (WordPress etc.)
FunnelBud landing page or WordPress landing page with FunnelBud form
Thank you email
Generic post-webinar nurturing sequence with 2 additional emails
Process of creating this solution:
Create a Webinars Overview page. However, it doesn’t contain the actual webinars. Instead, it contains screenshots of the webinars, and when you click one of them, you get to a generic “Get access to our webinars” landing page.
Create a “Get access to our webinars” landing page. It should have a similar design to the Webinars Overview page, but contain a form above the fold in which people sign up. It should contain a text saying something to the effect of “Submit this form to get access to all our webinars now”. It should also contain information such as “We may send you occasional information about new webinars and other topics, from which you can unsubscribe at any time. We do not share your information with third parties.”
This landing page can be a FunnelBud landing page, or one built in your own CMS.
When users submit the form, they get to the Webinars Watch Page. This page contains all your webinars embedded directly on the page and they can watch. The page also contains a contact us form or a form to ask questions.
In addition, they get a generic thank you email with a link to the webinar watching page, are added to a generic nurturing flow containing two actions and 2 additional emails (this cannot be webinar-specific since they can watch any of the webinars on the thank you page).
A sales task for calling the person is created when a person submits the form. The due date can be a day later so that
Email 1, 30 minutes after sign-up: “Our best webinars”: Contains a brief summary of the very best webinar per role you target. For example: “For sales managers: How to ABC. In this webinar, you will learn to XYZ. For marketing managers: …”. Sent from marketing.
Email 2: 2 days after sign-up: “Which webinars would you most like to see in the future?”: Sent from the main contact or a salesperson. Asks the participant to “vote” for which webinar topic they’re most interested in seeing a webinar about in the future, by listing 5 different webinar topics / categories they can click on. These are just regular hyperlinks that all point to a generic thank you page, but you keep track of what they clicked with the following snippet (marked in bold) at the end of each link: https://www.your-domain.com/your-generic-thank-you-page/webinarvoting?vote=webinar-type-A.This can be just your regular thank you page people get to after a contact us form submission for example.
A sales task is created after a person clicks on one of the above emails.
What this costs to implement:
Note: Pricing does not include content creation, and assumes that you will create the webinar pages while FunnelBud creates the webinar sign-up page on a FunnelBud landing page, and we build the nurturing flow for you and ask you to create the content in the email assets based on our recommendations.
All clients:
“Get access to our webinars” landing page: 3h custom page creation
Thank you email.
Basic nurturing flow.
2 nurturing emails.
Total cost: 4.3h